Well, This site is just going to be a passion of mine in wanting to become a webmistress. I cannot say I had not created sites before and that I do not maintain them anymore. I do have a blog and I do write in it, however, sometimes having a website really creates an exquisite enjoyment within oneself. Egotistical? Maybe so or Maybe not. But to a person who loves the written word and art I think it is the focus of writing and just putting it where others can see it; well, I guess having an audience. I also want to be the audience for other people and hear their comments on stuff. 

This site will have essays, poems and fiction written by myself and opinions of things I love to be passionate about and love to dislike.  I would definitely love to listen to both sides of the story, meaning, who agrees with me and who doesn't. It is healthy and engaging to involve oneself in discussions and also express oneself. I chose this path of expression and I hope My Forger approves as much as I love to engage in it.

Update 26/03/10:

Added the sit features and still doing the extensions. Hopefully my navi-bar is not scant ^_^